BETA Releases

The following versions are considered stable for public testing. However do note that it is possible these version can introduce regression.

Note that the system-requirements differ from the standard requirements!

VersionBuild dateDownload
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.5.42024.0725Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.5.32024.0715Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.5.22024.0607Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.5.02024.0405Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.3.472023.1220Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.3.392023.0615Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.3.232022.0929Link
ARDIS OPTIMIZER 6.3.152022.0530Link


The following installer contains a new iteration of the original in-built REST Server application. This version installs the REST Server as a Windows Service.

Current usage is limited for demonstration purposes.

VersionBuild dateDownloadComment
ARDIS OPTIMIZER REST Service 1.3.98992024.0607LinkRequires OPTIMIZER 6.5.2

System requirements

See System requirements


1) For Windows 8 and similar (see marked versions in System requirements), CodeMeter Runtime 7.30 or later is not supported. Codemeter runtime 7.21 + manual cprst.dll patch required. Even though cprst.dll is compatible with runtime 7.21, there have been reported issues in getting the patch to work.